Monday, November 30, 2009

CEO KPI: Reporting Process:

• Reports monthly to Council and the community on all of the activities of the Shire, in a formal agreed to by Council

• Strives to ensure that reports to Council are timely, accurate and comprehensive, whilst identifying critical issues for consideration by Council

• Updates Council on issues of importance, in a timely basis, as and when appropriate


  1. Insure that report formats and detail is sufficient and satisfactory to satisfy the community

  2. Assuming these KPI's are set in stone for the CEO, my experience (over and over again) is that the performance falls woefully short, is biased towards self interested players, and fosters an atmosphere of complacency or subservience within the MPSC ranks. Transparency is totally lacking.
    What can be done about it??

  3. Well, you can become more active in "the cause" this post is a good first start, had you signed your name it would have been even better. If you want to contact me at I will call you and we can have a talk about how to change these KPI. We can change things but takes a lot more work and a lot less complaining

    Joe Lenzo, Editor
