Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chief Executive Contract

When Dr. Kennedy's last contract was renewed there was quite a roar about it.

The question is why:
  • Was it because of lack of consultation?
  • Was it because of job performance?

The issue then becomes:

  • What do we expect when the next CEO contract is up for renewal?
  • What should we be looking for in a CEO?
  • Who should be part of the Selection Process?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Endorsing Councillors

A big problem we have on MornPen is that we have 11 elected councillors who are elected with 11 agendas and there is no core agenda to work towards in order to eliminate systemic failures of the Shire.

We need to develop a set of core agendas to insure that our elected councillors are thinking from the same page of objectives and then endorse only the candidates who pledge to adhere to these agendas and to support each other in achieving them.

  • What are your ideas on this?
  • What core agendas should be considered?

Sunday, May 3, 2009


No one would dispute that tourists contribute to the peninsula in many ways, however many ratepayers are concerned that, in the final analysis, tourists do not contribute cash to the shires' income relative to the cash cost to support them and that the shire should investigate ways to have the tourists pay their way.

No matter what the cost to them, tourist numbers will continue to explode and they should contribute more to the cost of running the shire so that ratepayers do not have to subsidize them. Even if they pay more than their fair share.

The shire does not seem to look at tourism as a product line that should generate positive cash flow to the shire coffers. It seems, that for some reason, they think that we have an obligation to provide tourists an inexpensive playground.

Shire Response Time Line

According to Dr. Michael Kennedy OAM, CEO: it is the policy of the Shire to respond to all written correspondence within 12 working days after receipt. The initial response may be in the form of an acknowledgement should the response require research or further consultation. Mr. Noel Buck, Manager-Governance and Corporate Support, further clarified this to include emails.

Please comment on any experiences you have had on this issue.