Sunday, July 26, 2009

Swimming in Debt @ the Rosebud Pool: Desirable, yes ..... but Affordable?

This is a suggested post by a follower of MornPenCouncilWatch:

I am concerned that the SPA project being pushed by the MornPen Shire is simply not affordable.

I agree that such a facility would be a major benefit for the Rosebud Community but with current Shire Borrowings this project cannot be funded without huge borrowings. The State and Federal governments may chip in $5m but where is the other approximate $15m coming from? Maybe Mr. Hunt and Mr. Dixon could get more $$$ allocated to this project being as they are pushing hard for it.

Current Shire liabilities of $42M (probably more now with additional borrowings) means that we cannot afford such a luxury. To obtain moneys from rates would see immoral percentage increases that would simply not be acceptable to ratepayers.

How much is operating this facility going to cost? Based on Pelican Pantry at Hastings, one can suggest this facility is not going to come cheap. Are we ratepayers ready to dig deep?

It would appear from the form letter being pushed by the Shire that the
Only question is where should it be located. The Shire appears to be pushing for the Rosebud foreshore but I would conclude this is not feasible due to the necessary infrastructure needs (car parking, etc) that such a facility would require and lack of DSE approval. We already give up huge chunks of foreshore land to tourists camping for several months a year at great pain and cost to us locals.

To argue that there used to be a pool at the foreshore site is fair but the SPA project isn't just about a pool. Also, why was the old pool removed? Simple answer is that it suffered major defects due to the location and now the Shire talks about putting a huge development on the same location.

If the project was to proceed, it should not be built in a location where Climate Change pressures will be most apparent. If the project is such a goer, then having SPA located off the foreshore should not be a hindrance to attracting the people to the place.

We ratepayers need to know at what initial cost and ongoing operational and loan interest costs this service/facility is going to be. There is $400K allocated in the coming budget for proposed SPA planning work and one should question whether this money will be well spent based on the questionable ability to fund the total project years down the track.

I would like a luxury motor vehicle and a magnificent mansion but if I can't afford it, I can't have it. SPA is in this same category.

What do other ratepayers think? Do the MornPen Shire need to be told by Ratepayers to back-off.

Absurdities and other Stupidities

There are many issues with how things are done and some of the stupidities surrounding some decisions.

Currently the shire is going through a law review and this is a chance to make comments on stupid laws and decisions made in the past.

There will be public submissions on the law review so make sure you get involved.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


The shire tells us over and over and again and again about how transparent they are.

Here is a chance to have your say both positive and negative.

Be specific where possible.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Community Plan: #5 being Responsive, Accountable, and Forward Looking

We embrace the principles of continuous improvement and best practice to ensure that we deliver reliable, efficient and effective services to the community. We achieve this through responsible financial management, effective advocacy and engagement, and by highly valuing our people.

Our steps include:

  • Regularly engaging the community in diverse and innovative ways
  • Persistently and effectively advocating on issues of community importance
  • Ensuring we do everything we do, the best way it an be done
  • managing our finances and risk in a responsible (and responsive) way